West Bengal Land Records Check Here WB Banglar Bhumi Software

In the decades after the independence in the Indian states of rural agricultural land leasing law was widely applied. The biggest priority at that time was to ending the zamindari culture and to the distribution of land to the tillers for providing them land. The top leadership of that time felt that the British system of feudal land tenure and standing sub-tenancy is inextricably linked. Therefore, the tenure reform legislation adopted by different states, giving them the right to ownership of tenant not only provided but also the leasing or sub-leasing of land also has been denied or discouraged.

Politically influential landlords, they managed to destroy the purpose of these reforms. However, the PS Appu writes in his famous book “Land Reforms in India” in 1996, only 4 percent of the tillers got the ownership rights till 1992. In these 97 percent tillers (Jotdar) belonged to the state Assam, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, and West Bengal.

For trying to transfer the ownership rights holder, the same number of states abolished tenancy. But even if the land transfer is found to be minimal, but an indirect result of this policy that it did occur wherever there was some form of tenancy, it finished and be protected in the future scope of tenancy ended. Many states have allowed the tenancy, but a bet that the ground rent of the product will be equal to one-fourth of the fifth. But since this rate was significantly lower than the market rate, so these states also continued to contract orally as 50 percent of the product for which the tenant would rent.

West Bengal Land Records Check Here

Telangana, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, including large states have restrictions on leasing land and exempt only those landowners who widow, minor, are null and defense personnel. The tenancy has long banned in Kerala and there recently just self-help groups were allowed to lease the land. Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Assam in some states such as leasing of land has not been prohibited, still, tenant leased the land from its owner after a certain period has been given the right to buy. This provision also continued tenancy and tenants orally conditions have remained weak. Only Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, and West Bengal in West Bengal, including the liberal tenancy law tenancy, has been limited to the Bntaidar. So liberal tenancy laws of several states including Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, but the tenant has not been considered in these states Btaidar.

The original intention was to create strict tenancy laws, now he is no longer relevant. Today, because of these restrictions, not just that for which the tenant has the legal protection system was originally but landlords and Loco also have a detrimental impact on policy implementation. The tenants are not convinced that the law allows the landlord with a transparent agreement on how many times it can feel them safe. As a result, she cannot long-term investments in land and rights to maintain plowing leaves him feeling insecure. Additionally, the tenant is thus deprived of the possibility of obtaining loans based on the falls. The landlord also feels insecure to give land in leasing because many people can leave land fallow. The practice has become prevalent in the mutant because the landlords and their children are exploring non-agricultural employment.

In the absence of clear laws regarding land leasing public policy, today is facing serious challenges. For expended and more effective crop insurance are being sought. Recognizing the fact that such insurance probably will receive much higher subsidies, as was the case with previous programs, a natural question is how it should be ensured that the tenant farmers, who cultivated bears most of the risk, it may not benefit. The same problem by natural disasters occurs; so how can we ensure that the tenancy is informal real disaster aid given to farmers.

WB Banglar Bhumi Software @banglarbhumi.gov.in

Similarly, the fertilizer subsidy today is massive rigging and black marketing of fertilizers are being subsidized. Theoretically, based on the pattern of LPG subsidy transfer from bank accounts using the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) By applying this type of manipulation can be rapidly controlled. But the actual farming and consequently, given the difficulty in identifying the target beneficiaries DBT cannot be satisfactorily implemented. Difficulties in a land acquisition under the Land Acquisition Act of 2013, in terms of both states to facilitate industrialization, land leasing process may benefit more from globalization provided they simultaneously use of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes also make liberalized.

Currently, the transfer of agricultural land to non-agricultural purposes is required to take permission from the appropriate authority, which may take a long time. State governments or allow for non-agricultural use for the implementation of the law or by amending regulations timely approval of applications for the transfer of agricultural land use, this obstacle can be overcome by applying. This reform, to provide land for industrialization opens another route, namely long-term land lease with the landlord to earn rent on land ownership, and to maintain the right of his ownership. Additionally, after the current lease expires landlord lease terms shall be entitled to reset.

Therefore, potential tenants or sharecroppers written contract with the landlord to enforce the laws that allow transparent land leasing is a beneficial improvement. The tenant will encourage investment on his land, the landlord can give his land on lease to the tenant without fare of losing his land and the government will apply its policies efficiently. Besides, as a result of the liberalization of land use laws to provide land for industrialization will also open an alternate route that will provide the full state jurisdiction and the landlord provides the right to maintain ownership of their land.

In the way of leasing land reform laws, the landlords may be concerned that any future tenancy contracts written by the popular government to transfer land to tenant farmers can use them and so they will oppose the reform. It is a real concern but can be solved by two alternative methods. Another great way to improve: the indefeasible right to provide landowners. Some states such as Karnataka and West Bengal, which fully computerized land records and registration systems can move forward in this direction. Other states such as entitlements immediate future solutions. So tentatively, while avoiding the acceptance of the tenants in the revenue records at the GP level contracts can opt for alternative solutions to enter. Thereafter, the consistent implementation of regulations that can add this section only for the transfer of ownership, revenue will be recognized in the records indicating the status of the tenant.

Leasing the state (and land use) to review laws should seriously think about itself to determine whether they enhance productivity and overall wellness, these simple but powerful changes can. We, in the Commission policy, look forward to their assistance in this endeavor.

How to Check West Bengal Land Records via Banglar Bhumi Online Software by Land & Land Reforms Department under Government of WB

The demand for the time of today is that the life and ways of living, everything about the new changes will be considered. This is because of the increased use of the new technology and that it should not have any hesitation in accepting life use, its speed, and the more systematic and orderly manner. For using these new technologies the state government of West Bengal stepped forward and started to provide the online land record details. The people are having good faith and trust in technology uses in the revenue and other departments. The revenue department of WB state made software for making the computerized online land records. Through using this software technology now the farmer of West Bengal is called the tech-farmer.

The Land and Land Reforms Department under the Government of West Bengal started to provide the digital land records and maps through their online official portal http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/. This website is developed with the help of the information technology (IT) team department of the National Informatics Center (NIC) wing of WB state with the help of the revenue department. Through starting this website the state government has the main objective to give the power of technology in every landowner’s hands. Day by day the revenue department is increasing the efficiency of their portal and doing works for uploading all the records of properties that come under the state administration. The official website of Banglarbhumi is designed to use in a very easy way as the portal has options to know your property, right to information (RTI), tenders details, and public grievance/complaint registration system online. All the records on the website are given in the Bengali language for which the fonts are also uploaded by the department to download.

Here we are going to provide you complete step by step procedure to check your land records under the section of Know Your Property in the official portal of Banglarbhumi with the demo images. See the below mentioned complete process.


First, you will have to visit on the official website of http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/ where all the options are given by the department. In the menu section where you will have to select the option of KNOW YOUR PROPERTY.


Now this option will redirect you to a new page section of http://banglarbhumi.gov.in:8080/LRWEB/ link. In this link page first, you will have to select the district name then block name and in last mouza name. After selecting all information you have to select the option for checking your land records online in West Bengal in which you can get the option for search by khatian number or search by plot number. After filling all details you will have to click on the submit button through which you can check the complete details regarding your property online in West Bengal.


If you want to download the digital map / computerized bhu-Naksha, in that case, you will have to visit in the http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/banglarbhumi/(S(zgczv3fw4vjjslpq4dflbzgz))/ASP PAGES/bengalmap.aspx link page where first you will have to select the district / mouza / block name. Select the district name on the map to get the digital map of your land.

Here are the steps for checking your plot and khatian information online through using the portal of Banglarbhumi. On this website, you can get the complete details about your property. You also can read the instructions for using this software in http://banglarbhumi.gov.in:8080/LRWEB/landinfo/help.jsp link page. Before using the official online website the citizens are suggested to read the below given complete instructions.

Revenue Department West Bengal Official Website

Important Instructions Before Using Banglar Bhumi

Ø http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/ is the only official website of the Directorate of Land Records and Surveys Department under the West Bengal state government. Do not use any other fake website or provide your personal information to any fake portal for checking the land records online.

Ø This website is designed and hosted by the national informatics center (nic). In case of any error on the website or land records the nic team or revenue department of WB state is not responsible. If you are getting any error contact to the site administration or office staff person.

Ø Do not give money to any broker/agent for searching your land record details online. This website has provided all the information free to the users. Also, the records are on the Banglarbhumi provided only for personal uses. The information on this website is not valid for any legal or official purposes.

Ø Do not give your registry or land-related documents to any person/broker/agent for the settlement, mutation or any other type of process. For any type of official work contact to your taluk/tehsil officer or nearest revenue department officer.

Ø The information provided on this website OnlinePropertyTax.Com is taken after research and taking help from an official person. If any person found using information from this website or page shall be liable for facing legal action under the copyright act/law.

Ø If you are not able to read the details on the Banglarbhumi official website due to the language reason, in that case, go to the http://banglarbhumi.gov.in/banglarbhumi/(S(zgczv3fw4vjjslpq4dflbzgz))/Download/fonts.zip link page and download the Bangali fonts.

Ø In case you are having any problem with the data submit your complaint or contact the official person through sending your mail in [email protected].

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